Definitions and Synonyms of Entertaiment

There are several definitions of the word “entertainment” in the English language. These include its meaning, synonyms, and translations. Here’s a look at some examples. You can also find a list of related terms. If you are having trouble deciding what exactly Entertaiment means, consider reading this article.

Entertaiment purveyor

The Purveyor of Entertainment is an independent production company that develops cutting-edge television and film programming for multiple platforms. It was founded by Matt Anderson and Nate Green in 2010 and specializes in original programming that captures the zeitgeist of pop culture. This includes a wide range of projects, from reality shows to popular music to movies.

Meaning of Entertaiment

Entertainment is a word that describes the activities that are conducted for the amusement of an audience. These activities may be passive, like watching a play or opera, or more active, like playing a game. Entertainment is a common English word and is derived from the Old French word entretenir (meaning to hold together).


The English language has a wide range of synonyms for the term entertainment. These include the terms party, amusement, celebration, diversion, fun, and sport. These words are all commonly used to describe a variety of activities and events. Many celebrities use the word to describe their hobbies and celebrations.

Synonyms of entertainment can be found online and in dictionaries. The word can also mean anything that distracts people from their work or personal problems. The word can also refer to games or other activities that give people a sense of relief or relaxation. There are many other synonyms for entertainment, including recreation, pleasure, and relief.


Translations for entertainment are vital for the success of a variety of projects. Whether it’s a film, book, or website, the message of the original work must be conveyed. If not, the audience will lose interest after a few pages. A perfect translation ensures that the intended audience will understand the message.

A great translation requires more than linguistic expertise. The translator should be familiar with the genre of the content, have knowledge of the industry, and be highly versatile. In addition, he or she should be dedicated to delivering the highest quality. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best translations for your needs: